Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm Back

Hey guys I'm back, I went on a little trip with my friends. It was a little camping trip. There were raccoons, coyotes, wolves, bobcats, rabbits, bull frogs, geese, you name it. We had to sleep in tents I slept with two other people. But I could barely sleep because I was worried about the raccoons coming in our tent and trying to rip our eyeballs out. LOL!!!! So the activities were cool, we went swimming in the lake, we went on a hike into the mountains where the coyotes, bobcats, etc. were. Then we went into the lake again and tried to go fishing but we scared them all away because we were in the water. So all of us are in the water and the boys that were on the deep end lost the fishing pole it wasn't theres it was a man that was supervising us pole. So he got mad and told the kid he had to buy him a new pole and he had no problem and we were all cool while we were hiking back. Then we had a water balloon fight and everyone got wet and had fun. And that was my camping trip.
God Bless Peace!!!!!!!!!!1

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